(Invited) Adam Deller (Swinburne Univ. of Technology), "Fast Radio Bursts"
(Invited) Alexey Rudnitskiy (Astro Space Center, Russian Academy of Sciences), "Millimetron Space Observatory: Current Status"
(Invited) Bhal Chandra Joshi (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (TIFR)), "Possibilities of high sensitivty VLBI with the upgraded GMRT"
(Invited) Do-Young Byun (KASI), "The Extended KVN Project"
(Invited) Francisco Colomer (JIVE), "Setting up a Global VLBI Alliance"
(Invited) Hideyuki Kobayashi (NAOJ), "EAVN and Global VLBI Array"
(Invited) Jinling Li (SHAO), "Geodetic VLBI in China"
(Invited) Longfei Hao & Chen Wen (YNAO), "Introduction of the 120m Jingdong radio telescope"
(Invited) Luca Moscadelli (INAF), "Protostellar Outflows at Earliest Stages (POETS)"
(Invited) Maria Rioja (ICRAR & CASS & OAN), "Astrometry with Next-Generation Instruments"
(Invited) Nattaporn Thoonsaengngam (NARIT), "Activities for Geodetic VLBI in Thailand"
(Invited) Nozomi Okada (JAXA & Osaka Prefecture Univ.), "Introduction of millimeter wave VLBI and proposal of applied technology to space VLBI"
(Invited) Phrudth Jaroenjittichai (NARIT), "Progress of RANGD Project"
(Invited) Saran Poshyachinda (NARIT), "Opening Talk: Projects at NARIT in Thailand"
(Invited) Satoki Matsushita (ASIAA), "EAVN -hi- (mm/submm) Status and Prospect"
(Invited) Taufiq Hidayat (Bosscha Observatory & ITB), "Developing the future VLBI Network in South-East Asia"
(Invited) Ye Xu (PMO), "The Spiral Structure of The Milky Way"
(Invited) Youngjoo Yun (KASI), "Results of KVN Key Science Program for evolved stars"
(Invited) Yuzhu Cui (NAOJ & SOKENDAI), "EAVN monitoring observations on M87 (2016-2020)"
(Invited) Zsolt Paragi (JIVE), "SKA-VLBI"
Bannawit Pimpanuwat (Univ. of Manchester), "ALMA observations and 3D modelling of high-J SiO masers towards oxygen-rich evolved stars"
Bong Won Sohn (KASI), "SKA Korea and EATING VLBI"
Boonrucksar Soonthornthum (NARIT), "Closing remark from LOC"
Chris Phillips (CSIRO), "LBA - Asia VLBI in the Era of the SKA"
Giuseppe Cimo (JIVE), "VLBI observations of interplanetary spacecraft"
Haiyan Zhang (NAOC), "VLBI status and plan of FAST"
Hao Ding (Swinburne Univ. of Technology), "VLBI astrometry of two magnetars"
Hideyuki Kobayashi (NAOJ), "Closing remark from EAVN Directors"
Hiroshi Imai (Kagoshima Univ.), "FLASHING (Finest Legacy Acquisitions of SiO- and H2O-maser Ignitions by Nobeyama Generation"
Hyunwook Ro (Yonsei Univ. & KASI), "Spectral properties of M87 jet revealed by KaVA Large Program observations"
Ibnu Nurul Huda (ITB), "Impact of Indonesian antennas to the geodetic VLBI network"
Ilje Cho (KASI & UST), "The intrinsic structure of Sagittarius A* at 1.3 cm and 7 mm"
Jeffrey Hodgson (Sejong Univ.), "Measuring Cosmological distances using VLBI"
Jongho Park (ASIAA), "GPCAL: a new calibration pipeline for instrumental polarization in VLBI data"
Junghwan Oh (KASI), "EAVN polarimetry"
Kee-Tae Kim (KASI), "KaVA Large Program for High-mass Star Formation"
Kenta Fujisawa (Yamaguchi Univ.), "Japanese VLBI Network Update"
Kitiyanee Asanok (NARIT), "Bipolar outflow tracing by 22 GHz H2O masers toward W49N star-forming region measured with KaVA"
Kiyoaki Wajima (KASI), "The East Asian VLBI Network: Achievements in the First Three Years and the Future"
Koichiro Sugiyama (NARIT & NAOJ), "Key Science Topics with 40-m Thai National Radio Telescope"
Kyohei Fujimoto (Yamaguchi Univ.), "Study of young AGN jet candidate NVSS J112914-052856 positionally coincident with gamma-ray source"
Mamoru Sekido (NICT), "Broadband VLBI experiments with transportable stations between Italy – Japan"
Marcello Giroletti (INAF), "VLBI observations of possible counterparts of neutrinos"
Mark Kettenis (JIVE), "CASA support for VLBI data reduction"
Michael Garrett (Univ. of Manchester & Leiden Univ.), "VLBI follow-up of Breakthrough Listen Candidates"
Momotaro Nakamura (Yamaguchi Univ.), "A kinematic study of the disk-outflow system around a high-mass protostar G59.783+0.065 probing methanol and water masers"
Motoki Kino (Kogakuin Univ. & NAOJ), "Activity report of EAVN AGN Science Working Group"
Nobuyuki Sakai (KASI), "KaVA/EAVN Astrometry toward the Extreme Outer Galaxy"
Noriyuki Kawaguchi (NAOJ), "RFI mitigation in a wideband low frequency observation"
Oleg Titov (Geoscience Australia), "Structure delay from VGOS observations"
Osamu Kameya (NAOJ), "Low Frequency Observation System of Mizusawa 10m Radio Telescope"
Ross A. Burns (NAOJ & KASI), "Recent status of the Maser Monitoring Organisation (M2O)"
Ross A. Burns (NAOJ & KASI), "VLBI view of the G358-MM1 high-mass protostellar accretion burst"
Sahlan Ramadhan (ITB), "RFI Measurement at the 32-m Jatiluhur Site for the Future Indonesian VLBI Station"
Sang-Hyun Kim (UST & KASI), "Magnetic Field Strength of Flaring Region in the Jet of CTA 102"
Satoko Sawada-Satoh (Yamaguchi Univ.), "Multiphase gas dynamics in the circumnuclear region of NGC 1052"
Se-Jin Oh (KASI), "Recent Status of Korea-Japan Correlation Center for EAVN"
Shuangjing Xu (KASI), "The Progress of K band Geodesy with EAVN"
Sincheol Kang (KASI), "Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs: Measuring the Magnetic Field Strength of 4C+29.45"
Sujata Dhar (Indian Institute of Technology), "Establishment of the Geodetic VLBI Network in India: Current Status"
Sujin Eie (NAOJ & Univ. of Tokyo), "Multi-frequency single-dish observations of magnetar XTE J1810-197"
Timbul Manik (Space Science Center, LAPAN), "Construction plan of a radio telescope at the National Observatory on Mount Timau, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia"
Tiziana Venturi (INAF), "EVN Science Vision and Technology Roadmap"
Tomoya Hirota (NAOJ), "Recent astrometry results from VERA project"
Toshihisa Tsutsumi (Yamaguchi Univ.), "Construction and evaluation tests of simultaneous triple-band VLBI observing system on the Nobeyama 45-m telescope"
Wei Zhao (SHAO), "Jet-cloud collision as a possible driven mechanism of kpc-scale bubbles in a Seyfert galaxy"
Xiaopeng Cheng (KASI), "Parsec-scale Properties of FR 0 Radio Galaxies"
Yoshinori Yonekura (Ibaraki Univ.), "Present status of the Ibaraki Observatory"
Yosuke Furuya (Yamaguchi Univ.), "Redshift distribution of powerful AGN jets observed by JVN at z>3"
Zamri Zainal Abidin (Univ. of Malaya), "Recent Developments of Radio Astronomy in Malaysia"
Zhiqiang Shen (SHAO), "Opening Remark"
Include materials from selected contributions