17 December 2024 to 31 January 2025
UTC timezone



We are honored to announce the 2nd Call for Proposals (CfP) of the 40-m Thai National Radio Telescope (TNRT) at Thai National Radio Astronomy Observatory (TNRO) in Chiang Mai, the northern part of Thailand, as Cycle 1. This observatory with the 40-m TNRT is a national facility in Thailand, which is operated by National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT, Public Organization). In this cycle 1, proposals are invited to request time on the 40-m TNRT, according to the following details.

Deadline: 31st January 2025, 16:00 UT

LanguageThe proposals are required to be submitted in ENGLISH ONLY

Open-use Period and Total Observing Time

  • Period: 1st March 2025 - 31st August 2025
  • Total observing time: 1000 hours / period, at maximum

Key Dates



 17th December 2024  Call for Proposals
   8th January 2025  TNRT Users Meeting
 31st January 2025, 16:00 UT  Deadline for the Proposal Submission
    1st - 21st February 2025  Reviewed by Time Allocation Committee
 21th - 28th February 2025  Notification of acceptance / rejection
    1st March 2025  Initiate Open-use observations
 31st August 2025  End of Period for the Cycle 1 Open-use Observation








What's Resident Shared Risk Observing (RSRO) Style ?

This style applies if the proposals request for observation modes other than spectral line modes for the main and satellite lines of OH masers (i.e., for 1612, 1665, 1667 and 1720 MHz). In other words, this style applies to observation modes under commissioning. This style provides an open-use observation time to proposers, as an incentive for contributing to a part of the TNRT development and its commissioning activities, such as,

  • Cooperate to adjust software and polish the pipeline up for the data reduction/calibration,
  • Documentation of such adjustment/polishing-up,
  • Joining applicant's operations,
  • Feedback for contributing to the commissioning (including forthcoming observation modes),
  • etc.

If your proposal fits with the RSRO style, we request the principal investigator (PI) of a proposal to come to NARIT and/or the TNRO site (Huai Hong Khrai Royal Development Study Centre, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai, Thailand) and to contribute the aforementioned activities for addressing RSRO style. If PI is not available, there may be room for replacing by a co-investigator to address this RSRO request. 

In proposals, the technical justification should identify the personnel who will be involved in the effort and which activities are interesting to the candidate. In addition, it is better to describe how their expertise will be helpful to address the critical priorities of the TNRT development in their proposal, and better to clarify the proposed dates of the residency as a reference for matching to the TNRT development / commissioning planning.

Privilege for Students

Students have privilege for their proposals being positively accepted. See section "Privilege for Students" for more details.

Observation Mode in Cycle 1

 Receiver  L-band
 Frequency range  1.0 – 1.8 GHz
 Polarization  Linear (Vertical & Horizontal), but not polarimetry mode yet
 Recording mode  Spectrometer mode for line and continuum target sources
 Frequency channel resolution at max  1.907 kHz ( = 0.347 km/s at 1.65 GHz)
 Scanning modes
  • Single-pointing
  • Cross-scan
  • Raster-scan



*** See "L-band System", "Upgrade L-band" and "Status Report" for the specification and practical performances ***


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