19-21 February 2024
Asia/Bangkok timezone


The purpose of this meeting, "Building an Inclusive Astronomy Community: An LGBTQIA+ Meeting", is to provide a platform for LGBTQIA+ astronomers to come together, share their experiences and perspectives, and discuss ways in which the astronomical community can become more inclusive. This meeting is also aimed at educating the wider astronomical community about the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ astronomers, and promoting awareness and understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community within the field.

The IAU Sub-Working Group of LGBTQIA+ is dedicated to promoting the visibility and representation of LGBTQIA+ individuals within the astronomical community and advocating for inclusive policies and practices within the IAU. NARIT, as a leading astronomical research institute in Thailand, is committed to promoting diversity and inclusiveness within the astronomical community. The International Training Centre of Astronomy Office of AUSPIECE is dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary education in astronomy and space sciences and is committed to promoting the visibility and representation of LGBTQIA+ individuals within the astronomical community. Together, these organisations will work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all attendees at the meeting.