16-27 August 2021
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Software Installation

The following instructions are for MAC OS and LINUX distribution.

For WINDOWS users, we recommend you to follow the instructions given here to install a virtual Linux machine: Windows installation (it includes the installation of ctools, gammapy and matplotlib). Then you should be able to install everything like on a Linux machine.



To install ctools, please follow this link: Getting ctools

(Recommended installation: installing via anaconda)



To install gammapy (18.2), follow the instructions on this page: gammapy installation



We recommend you to install the FermiBottle docker container. 

Follow this page for the installation: FermiBottle installation and Using the Fermibottle container to use it.



Matplotlib is commonly used to visualised data with python. Follow this page to download and install it: Matplotlib installation 



It may be useful and convenient for you to use jupyter notebook. Here are the instructions: Installing the Jupyter Software


ALTERNATIVELY, if you have major issues with installing ctools, gammapy, or fermipy  you can also use google Colab. In that case, you will need to run the installation procedure each time you want to use them, as they will not be install on your machine, 

For ctools, you can copy this notebook: ctools Google Colab

For gammapy you can copy this notebook: gammapy Google Colab