1-30 August 2024
Asia/Bangkok timezone


The 1.0m telescope was installed on the rooftop of the TNT control building in 2020 to replace the 0.5m telescope. 

Non-NARIT applicants need to get a TNO-1m account to login into the telescope control software. Note that this account is different from the proposal submission account. Please contact rungrit@narit.or.th to get your account before your observation.  

The telescope is equipped with one imaging cameras and one echelle spectrograph:

-  2Kx2K Andor iKon-L CCD                                    Filters: UBVRI, ugriz

- eShel spectrograph, a commercial echelle spectrograph from the Shelyak manufacturer, operating in the 430- 710 nm range with ~10,000 spectral resolution

For further details regarding the early measurement of the telescope and the instrument's performance, please contact the operation team.

TNO-1m operation:

- PIs/Co-Is who are observing during the first half of the night (17:00-24:00) may experience interruption from visitors/guests. The observatory will inform the observers accordingly.

- Maximum RH:90%

There will be no assistance from the operators during the observation. Observers are responsible to open/close the dome and to operate the telescope themselves.

Please go to the following links for the technical details:

Telescope: http://pw-ecommerce.com/product/pw1000-1-meter-observatory-system/#tab-specifications

2Kx2K Andor iKon-L:  


echelle Spectrograph: Researchgate Link

Early on-sky test with 4k camera:  
