24 June 2024 to 5 July 2024
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Asia/Bangkok timezone
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If you want to use data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in your research, but do not know how. This workshop is for you!

JWST Data Analysis and Processing Workshop (South East Asia) is one of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)'s Capacity Building Activities and the International Astronomical Union (IAU)'s Hands-On Workshops. The workshop trains participants to use public JWST data for scientific research. Participants will download, reduce, and analyse data from all JWST instruments (NIRCam, NIRISS, NIRSpec, and MIRI), using examples from different scientific cases.

The workshop aims to foster collaboration among Southeast Asian astronomers. We welcome final-year undergraduates, master's students, PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers from ASEAN and the vicinity with backgrounds in astronomy research. Applicants should be comfortable with a programming language (preferably Python). We aim to have 3 to 4 participants per lecturer and a total attendance of 30-40 participants.

Selection will consider academic and scientific merit, as well as how participants may benefit from the workshop in pursuing a research career. 

Participants are required to bring their laptops with working internet browsers. We anticipate most analysis to be carried out using Jupyter notebooks on the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) server. 

The weekday schedule includes tutorials and hands-on sessions on data access, reduction, analysis tools and modelling techniques. The workshop features lectures covering scientific applications of JWST data, such as high-z galaxies (cosmic dawn era), star formation processes, exoplanets, transient astronomy and statistics. Modules will also incorporate opportunities to collaborate with the lecturers. 

A group excursion in Chiang Mai is scheduled on Saturday, 29 June 2024. The participants will have Sunday free.

Venue, Lodging and Travel Support:
The venue and lodging is tentatively at the Kantary Hills Hotel and Serviced Apartments. Lodging and meals for students and lecturers will be fully provided throughout the 2-week workshop. Lecturers will have individual rooms, while participants (from outside Chiang Mai, Thailand) will share accommodation.

Selected participants may receive partial reimbursement for the travel cost coverage (~50% of the cheapest ticket).