5-25 April 2023
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Online application

Principal Investigators (PIs) are required to fill out our online application form and submit the completed application(s) before the advertised deadline.


Please note that before an application can be created, the PI must first sign up for an account. The system administrator will need to activate your account before you can log back on to prepare an application. This will usually happen in 24 hours if the PI is an eligible applicant for the TNT & TRT time. The PI will get an email notification once his/her account has been authorized. The online proposal can be created any time after the PI’s account has been authorized and can be modified, saved for completion, and submitted at a later time. The applicant is responsible to ensure that his/her completed proposal(s) are submitted by clicking the SUBMIT button. Once the proposal has been submitted, it is not possible to make any changes to your application.

Those who already signed up for an account or have used our online form during the last Cycle DO NOT NEED to apply for an account again, your account is still activated. If you forget your password, you may use the provided link to reset it.

Should you encounter any problem please send an email to proposal@narit.or.th.

To facilitate proposal preparation in collaboration with colleagues and Co-investigators, please feel free to use the MS Word form. But note that we DO NOT accept the completed MS Word submission in any case.