Fascination with TNRT 40-m via MASERs and VLBI

Cassiopiea (NARIT)



Apimook Watcharangkool (NARIT)

The 40-m Thai National Radio Telescope (TNRT 40-m) under construction promises fascinating performances in a lot of research fields, such as Pulsar, HI, and molecular line emissions. Here we would like to focus on one of them, that is the research how to form high-mass stars (the masses > 8 solar mass) via interstellar Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (MASER). The interstellar MASERs around high-mass stars mainly come from OH, H2O, and CH3OH molecules. These MASERs can be observed with L-, K-, and C-bands receivers, in which the former two will be installed at the beginning of TNRT 40-m and the latter one will be installed at the second stage of the telescope. These three MASERs, thus, will be good observational targets to accelerate the activities and development of TNRT 40-m. In this talk, we will show how fascinating TNRT 40-m is with researches for the high-mass star formation via MASERs. In addition, TNRT 40-m will be the first radio telescope in Southeast Asia for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network, and thus we will also present how significant TNRT 40-m is especially for the East Asia VLBI Network (EAVN). 

Dr. Koichiro Sugiyama
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