NARIT-NAOJ Collaboration Meeting 2019

Ursa Major Room (2F) (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (Public Organization))

Ursa Major Room (2F)

National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (Public Organization)

260 Moo 4, T. Donkaew, A. Maerim, Chiangmai, 50180, Thailand

The aim of this meeting is sharing potential science cases with 40m Thai National Radio Telescope (TNRT) with lots of colleagues at NARIT, and brushing-up these sciences via presentations and discussions. The TNRT project has scopes for not only single-dish but also VLBI observations with East-Asian VLBI Network, Australian Long Baseline Array, European VLBI Network, Very Long Baseline Array, and the future African VLBI Network. Presentations in this meeting, thus, will cover both of single-dish and VLBI science cases. Most welcome anyone to join this meeting!



  • Days 1  July 22, 2019 (Mon),  10:00-15:00
  • Days 2  July 23, 2019 (Tue),   10:00-16:00


  • Ursa Major Room, 2F, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (Public Organization)

[Program & Abstract]

  • Please find below as attached PDF files.  Please refer to the section "Timetable" as well.



      (necessary Password)



  • Koichiro Sugiyama (NAOJ/NARIT)
  • Busaba H. Kramer (MPIfR/NARIT)
  • Kitiyanee Asanok (NARIT)
  • Phrudth Jaroenjittichai (NARIT)
  • Ram Kesh Yadav (NARIT)
  • Boonrucksar Soonthornthum (NARIT)